W mobilności w Sewilli w dniach 16-23.04.2023 r wzięło udział dwóch nauczycieli oraz pięciu uczniów SP33 uczestniczących w projekcie. 

W trakcie trwania mobilności odbyły się następujące aktywności:

Prezentacje uczestników z każdego kraju  na temat sposobu nauczania świadomości ekologicznej w poszczególnych szkołach. 

Warsztaty z mapami każdego miasta przygotowanymi już przez uczestniczących uczniów.

Wizyta w Alcaraz de Sevilla

Zwiedzanie katedry 

Wycieczka rowerowa po mieście (parki Sewilli)

Wizyta w Parque del Alamillo

Jednodniowa wycieczka do Carmony

Our Erasmus+ exchange to Seville, Spain began on April 16th, 2023 at around 4 a.m. at the airport in Gdansk. We flew to Frankfurt, where we changed plane to Seville. We were picked up there by host families with whom we spent the rest of that afternoon and evening.

The next day, all exchange participants were welcomed to the Spanish school. After a tour through the school facility and having got familiar with other people, we took a bus to the city center, where we visited interesting places and heard local legends from students. Every evening of the trip, including this one, we spent exploring the city or doing other activities with host families.

The following day we spent on a trip to the town Carmona. We played two outdoor games over there, prepared by Spanish people and also admired beautiful monuments.

We spent the last day in Spain at the school where we played games, sang, danced and took part in the certification ceremony.

On the 21st of April, it was time to say goodbye. We flew to Amsterdam, where we spent the night in a hotel due to a cancelled flight. The next day we travelled back to Gdansk. This is how our adventure ended.

Team Gdańsk